»The probably best wine-grower in Germany« Manager Magazin »The rebel among Germany's exceptional wine-growersn« Impulse »The pioneer of the movement against mass production« Galore »He is the leading producer of dry Rieslings on the Moselle. By a wide margin.« Fischer Weinlexikon »The undisputed Number One on the Moselle terrace« Der Feinschmecker »He is changing the way people think about german wines« Financial Review »He is the wine-grower who is regarded as an exception in Germany and abroad« Alles über Wein »One of the best estates in the world« Ehrlich/Kreis »Riesling interpretations are part of the wine's world cultural heritage« Gebr.Lange »A rising star.« Der Kleine Johnson »The best wine-grower on the Moselle terrace« Clarke's Weinlexikon »He is unique in Germany's wine scene« S. Pigott »His Rieslings are among the best« Der grosse Johnson »Nominated for "Wine-grower of the year" in 2001 and 2004 Wein-Gourmet »First class, an enthusiastic modernizer« Gault-Millau